Advanced Registration Has Closed! Onsite Registration Is Still Available.
The Oklahoma Ambulance Association (OKAMA) is proud to announce that we will be holding our 2017 Spring Conference on Tuesday May 23rd in Oklahoma City at the History Center. This conference will include a full slate of industry-specific speakers who will bring their knowledge and expertise to this comprehensive event. After the conference, we will host our Stars of Life Banquet and Awards Ceremony on May 24th, also at the History Center.
May 23, 2017
The Oklahoma History Center
800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
Registration Open

8:30 am - 10:00 am
President’s Welcome
Rebecca Williamson/Vanessa Brewington
Guidelines & Updates, SSN# Removal Initiatives

Gail Atnip, Novitas
JH Provider Outreach & Education Specialist
Download Gail Atnip's Presentation
Gail will lead the morning session, providing valuable information critical to Medicare and Medicaid funding and reimbursement issues. Included with this update will be a discussion and preparation on the Social Security Number Removal Initiative. A Question & Answer session will follow where participants may ask questions specific to their own operations.
Gail is employed by Novitas Solutions, Inc. and has worked with Medicare Part B since 1978. Today, she is the Medicare Provider Outreach and Education Specialist and has served ambulance providers for the past 14 years. Her specialties are Ambulance and Physical Medicine. Gail has extensive background with Medicare Part B policies and claims processing. She has held various positions in the Medicare division, including beneficiary and provider customer service and telephone and written appeals.
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Break - Vendor Area

10:30 am - 11:30 am
Guidelines & Updates, SSN# Removal Initiatives (cont)
Gail Atnip, Novitas
11:30 am - 12:30
Lunch and Vendor Time

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
“Rules” Update and News from the EMS Division
Dale Adkerson
OSDH - EMS Division Program Manager
Dale Adkerson and members of the OSDH - EMS Division staff will hold an hour long session providing information and answering questions about the new “Rules” implementation and expectations.

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Break - Vendor Area

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Coach Jonathan “JC” Conneely
Entrepreneur, Strength Coach, Life Coach, Author and Motivational Speaker
Creating the Best Team On and Off the Job
Coach JC will talk about the importance of being Fit for Duty on the job and Fit For Life off the job using four pillars: Focus, Fitness, Food & Family. He will talk about the increase in stresses in the emergency providers’ world all while many are out of shape and unable to perform their job to the best of their ability. Learn what you and they can do about it to start WINNING in life!
Coach JC is a sought after author of the books, “The Secret to Real Success”, “The Secret to Real Weight loss Success” and “The Secret to Real Athlete Success”.
Before becoming an author, motivational speaker and coach, Jonathan Conneely had to learn how to overcome many obstacles in his own life. By the age of twenty-five, Jonathan discovered how to turn what looked like a severe loss in his own life into a WIN. As a result, he discovered his own coaching system, “How To Create The Winning Mindset.”
Coach JC’s dynamic personality inspires thousands of people every day on television, radio, speaking engagements and through his vast social media following of over 90,000 loyal fans on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and over a million video views on You Tube.
Coach JC started his career as the youngest strength and conditioning coach in the nation at the Division 1 level and later created Dynamic Sports Development, one of the top training facilities in the country for athletes from age 9 to the pro’s. Coach JC has also transformed thousands of women’s lives with the first outdoor fitness program, Bootcamp Tulsa.
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Lisa Gifford
Oklahoma Health Care Authority, Oklahoma’s Medicaid Agency
In this presentation Lisa and the OHCA staff will provide an update on the Oklahoma Medicaid Program and the state budget reductions affecting EMS and other healthcare providers in the state. Members of Lisa’s claims processing staff will be present to provide “real –life” examples and assistance in seeking reimbursement from the Medicaid program. Questions and comments from the audience will be addressed.
Ms. Gifford has been working for the Oklahoma Health Care Authority since 1999. At the Authority, Ms. Gifford has held several positions including contracting, Provider Enrollment Manager, Financial Resources Director, Chief of Business Enterprises, and most recently the Chief Operating Officer.
Registration Details
Ambulance Services
- Members - $0 for first registrant, $25 for each additional registrant
- Non-Members - $100 for first registrant, $50 for each additional registrant
Vendor Members
Please contact Steve Athey for further information slathey@aol.com or 940-367-3280