January 22, 2014 To All Members: There was an error in scheduling this year's Stars of Life event and we wish to make the following corrections: Spring educational conference is April 1, 2014 at the Oklahoma History Center Stars of Life Banquet and Awards Ceremony is April 2, 2014 at the Oklahoma History Center and Miss Oklahoma will still appear and give a brief speech during the event. We are also planning our usual EMS Day at the capitol at 10:00am on April 2 and are urging our star's to also attend this event followed by tours in the Oklahoma City area being determined as this announcement is released. We again urge all member agencies to submit nominations for Stars before January 31 so we can make two selections, one from a rural service and another from a large service that will be sent to Washington, DC to attend the American Ambulance Association Stars event at the end of March.